Author Archives: Akira

Use Powershell To Get-service Status On Remote Computer

Powershell offers a few cmdlets targeted to managing a remote server and setting the service state as well as the startup. We will run through a few examples of getting the service information and than setting their state as well as the startup option. These scripts requires Administrator access to… Read more »

Use Powershell to Compare Dates Without Time | get-date

Working in Powershell with dates, time and time zones is critical if you have data or automated processes that reference different geographical areas. Understanding how to compare these dates with and without a time value can mean the difference between an incorrect report or failing processes. We have written before… Read more »

Get SQL Server Instance Name Using PowerShell | Details

We can use a commandlet called get-sqlinstance to quickly query an existing SQL instance on a remote server for more information. The administrator often needs to inventory the server environment and that includes identifying the SQL servers as well as all of the instances. Another useful commandlet for SQL Server… Read more »

Use Powershell To Remove Everything Before or After A Character

Working with strings is important when handling automation processes especially regarding server names and the SQL Server instances. Administrators define their own naming conventions and usually stay away from unique characters in the string. With SQL Server we have a slash “\” that is required to define the SQL instance… Read more »

How To Generate Random Strings in SQL | GUID and Passwords

Random strings, characters and ID’s are used all the time in development and especially in Database work where some data needs to be unique or uniquely identified. This example code was written many years ago to generate passwords in SQL 2008 with certain complexities for automation purposes using the RAND()… Read more »

Get Active Directory Group Members Using Powershell and SQL Server

Using Active Directory Groups (AD) for SQL Server authentication makes managing access permissions easy. Instead of managing individual login permissions the DBA can recommend using some AD groups that can contain many users and the login and permissions are assigned only one time. I have limited knowledge of Active Directory… Read more »

Use Powershell To Combine Datatable And Schema Using Merge

The more often you work with datatables in Powershell the more opportunities appear where you can utilize more features. We will look at the Merge method as well as updating data and adding new columns to an existing datatable. For this example we will be using the “WideWorldImporters” (WWI) database… Read more »

SQL Failover Cluster Unattended Install with Multiple Instances Advanced Method Completion Part 2

This is the continuation for using the advanced methods to install a SQL cluster instance unattended. In SQL Failover Cluster Part 1 we created a Configuration file using the wizard and then modified the file to allow a Silent or Quiet unattended installation. This “prepare” install is only used to… Read more »